Powder Puffs

by Joanne

I grew up with my mom making powder puffs. They are so easy to make but need to be made several hours or preferably the day ahead so that they can absorb the cream and become softer.

I always remember mom telling me that they freeze really well and thaw so well that it is worth making more than you want and putting some in the freezer. They defrost so quickly that you have fresh powder puffs when unexpected guests call in.

Mom's recipe is:

2 eggs
3 oz (85g) superfine (castor) sugar
3oz (85g)cake (self-raising) flour
vanilla essence

Beat eggs and sugar until thick and creamy - about 5 minutes.

Gradually fold in flour.

Place good teaspoonful on greased tray.

Bake at 400F (200C) for 10 minutes or until slightly golden.

Powder puffs will almost be biscuit-like so don't be alarmed.

When cold sandwich together with whipped cream and jam.

Hi Joanne

Thanks very much for the powder puff recipe. This is exactly the same as the recipe I grew up with.

They are so easy to make and my family do love them. We always sprinkle the top with confectioners (icing) sugar.

My mom used to use strawberry jam with cream but I love the slight tartness of raspberry or plum jam.

You are right that they soften after they have been sandwiched together with the cream and jam.

I have always made my powder puffs on a flat baking tray. But now that I have so many whoopie pie pans I have started to use them and it means that all my powder puffs are the same size.

Regards and thanks

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Nov 17, 2011
Powder Puffs
by: Maree

My mum used to make these as well. I love them.

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