Thickened Cream
by Bernadette
Do you know the equivalent of thickened cream in the UK? or maybe if I can use an alterative in your vanilla cupcake recipe??
Thanking you in anticipation.
Hi Bernadette
Thanks so much for your question about thickened cream.
Cream is classified according to the amount of its fat content. This fat content varies between about 10% and 55%. The names vary considerably between countries.
According to my understanding of thickened cream (in Australia) it is 35% milk fat and used for cooking, pouring over foods, and whipping.
Heavy Whipping Cream (United States and Canada) is 36 - 40% milk fat and is used for cooking, pouring over foods, and whipping. Extra-heavy, double, or manufacturer's cream contains 38–40% milk fat.
Whipping Cream (United Kingdom) also contains 35% milk fat and whips well and can be piped.
These cream can all be found in the dairy case of any grocery store near the milk.
It is usually in a small carton or plastic container, and is sold by many companies. Most grocery stores sell their own store brand of heavy cream (sometimes called heavy whipping cream).
I hope this helps.