Royal Icing Recipe
by Myra
(Yanchep, WA)
This is my royal icing recipe. The quantities are slightly different to the recipe you have on your website.
1 egg white
10oz (300g) confectioners (icing) sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
In a small bowl, beat the egg white with an electric mixer until foamy.
Gruadully add the confectioners sugar (spoonful at a time) beating well after each addition.
If you add too much sugar at a time, it doesn't get incorporated as easily plus it makes a terible mess as the sugar seems to float up and get everywhere. I have learnt this the hard way!!
The royal icing is ready when it forms peaks and holds its shape.
Gently fold in the lemon juice.
If the royal icing is not being used immediately, cover with plastic wrap.
Hi Myra
Thanks very much for sending in your royal icing recipe.
I, too, have learnt the hard way that it is best to add confectioners sugar slowly and beat well between additions.
Royal icing hardens nicely when it dries and it is perfect for piping delicate shapes and decorations for both cupcakes and biscuits, and especially well known for piping faces on gingerbread men. It also colors beautifully.
Thanks again for sharing your recipe.